IFSC Code to Bank Details

Want to check which bank does a IFSC code belong to? Use this Search by IFSC code feature to double check the IFSC code before making a NEFT or RTGS transfer to a bank account.

IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. Every bank branch is assigned a code based on its location. For instance, all branches of State Bank Of India are known as SBIN0001.

The above free tool can help to fetch the bank and branch details using the given IFSC Code. Simultaneously you can also check the IFSC with bank and branch name

Every bank branch is registered with RBI under different codes depending upon its area of operation. The following table lists some of the common names of banks along with the respective codes.

Bank Name & Branch Code

State Bank of India SBI0001

Allahabad Bank ALB0001

Canara Bank CNA0001

Indian Overseas Bank IOB0008

Punjab National Bank PNB0021

Syndicate Bank SYD0002

Axis Bank AXIS000001

HDFC Bank HDFC0010


HSBC Bank HSBC0201


Tips to search by IFSC Codes

  • IFSC code is 11 characters in size.
  • IFSC code is Alphanumeric and contains a combination of alphabets and numbers.
  • First 4 characters are alphabetic characters representing the bank name. A list is given above for reference.
  • 5th character is 0 (zero) and reserved for future use.
  • Last 6 characters are usually numbers but can also be alphabets. These represent a branch of the bank.