Password Encryption Utility


Protect your website from Hackers by using this FREE Online Password Security Tool!

It is Soft SEO Tools bring you this password encryption online Tool that will assist protect websites from hackers. We all know that a password on its own does not guarantee security, but having an effective password and encryption it will assist you to secure your website.

In the present, it's an absolute requirement for all modern internet applications to secure their user's passwords in order to protect them from hackers who can take all information, including sensitive personal information from their accounts. Webmasters always seek to increase the number of users they have. This is why we consider their passwords the key to their security, and all owners of websites must be aware and respect that in order to be able to earn their confidence.

Soft SEO Tools Soft SEO Tools provide you with online tools for free to help protect the security of your site from hackers. They include the Password Encryption Tool and Password Strength Checker. It is all you need to do is create an effective password by examining the password using the Password Strength Checker, and then secure it with the Password encryption tool.


It has been the case that safeguarding websites from hackers required an enormous amount of work to ensure that the user' data is safe and will not be compromised. However there are instances when hackers may be able to collect crucial details about the users of the website. This is why we've developed this specific password encryption tool. We are determined to assist website owners ensure that all important data on their sites are protected.

The Password Encryption Utility program utilizes three different methods that are referred to as encryption ciphers, namely the traditional DES, MD5, and SHA-1. The standard is an DES-based Unix type of algorithm. MD5 employs the hash string which is 32 characters of hexadecimal numbers as well as SHA-1 utilizes an algorithm called the US Secure Hash Algorithm 1. Both MD5 and SHA-1 are suitable methods to digest passwords, however there are times when applying these algorithms may not be sufficient.


Anyone, not even the user, is entitled to know the password of their account and this is even more so if you're a webmaster or a webmaster. If the user forgets their password, he/she should ask for an account reset. Then, create a new password by email. Include an instruction to change the password as soon as is possible to ensure security.


There are certain guidelines that must be observed when a software program is utilized for encryption of passwords. First , the algorithm secures passwords by digest or a one-way process the method; this doesn't allow users to decrypt passwords.

The other rule is to compare input and passwords that have been saved by comparing digests, but not encrypted strings. A good example is that when a user inputs their password during login the system will then digest their input using the same algorithm that was employed when the user first created the password. The software will evaluate and determine whether they match. If so, the password is taken to be valid.

The digest algorithms discussed are widely known and used algorithms, and to aid webmasters in protecting their accounts, there are two common concepts utilized, and they are salt and iteration count. Salt is a sequence of bytes that are added to the password of the user after being chopped. This alters our digests from the digests we would get when we had secured the password on our own in this way, and as a consequence it will protect us from attacks that are not intended to be. By using salt, we can employ two different strategies. they are:

  1. Fixed-Salt - A sequence of bytes that we employ to digest each password. There is a way to conceal this salt and use it as an additional security but it may increase the vulnerability of our system to birthday attacks, as well as other attacks that concentrate on the database of passwords generally. With a fixed-salt configuration one could find that an insecure user can cause a weak password system.
  2. Variable salt - this idea is regarded as a better option since you can choose to have this in random arrangement. This is created or calculated independently for each password that is being processed, and it allows all saved passwords to be separated from the other passwords, for a better protection and secure password.

In the majority of cases the case, the random or variable salt is the most popular idea since it is extremely difficult for an attacker to identify the difference. The only drawback is that it forces us to save it without encryption along with the digest, so we can access it when required.

If you desire to keep a portion in the secret of salt the best option is using a combination of both methods (fixed-salt or variablesalt). This is because you're using salt that has two parts: a fixed secret and random portion; keeping in mind that only random bytes are saved undigested as a result that digests produce.

Third rule to adhere to the smallest size for salt, which is 8 bytes. If the technique used is mixed be sure at the very least 8 bytes are random.

The number of iterations is the amount of times the hash function we are consuming is applied to the results it produces. To ensure maximal security, we recommend that the recommended minimum number of iterations is 1000.