HEX Calculator
A HEX Calculator is a tool used for performing calculations with hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal (or hex) is a base-16 number system, commonly used in computing, that uses sixteen distinct symbols: 0-9 and A-F. This calculator can add, subtract, multiply, and divide hex numbers, and often convert between hex, decimal, and binary systems. It's useful in fields like computer science and digital electronics.
About Hex Calculator
HEX Calculator Hex Calculator is used to perform subtraction, addition multiplication, division and subtraction on two decimal numbers.
In computer science and math, hexadecimal is a positional numeral system, with the base number of 16. It employs 16 distinct symbols, mostly the symbols 0-9 for values from zero to nine and A B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively, a-f) for representing values of ten to fifteen. Hexadecimal is used extensively in computer science due to the fact that it is fairly easy to switch between binary and hex notation for numbers. Additionally, it is much simpler for people to memorize than binary.
What's the hexadecimal?
A hexadecimal is an expression of a number in the hexadecimal numeral system that has 16 symbols as the base that employs 16 symbols that represent the numbers between 0 and 9 and the letter A C, D, E and F. The letters A C, B C, D, F and E are single-bit representations of decimal values from 10 , 15, 15. Hexadecimal employs the binary code of four bits. This means that every one of the digits in hexadecimal are identical to the four binary digits. Octal utilizes an algorithm that uses three bits in binary.
Hexadecimal number: 0 1 2. 3 4 5 6 9A B C E F
Decimal: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
HEX Addition
The addition of Hexadecimal number is the same as decimal addition. There is only one difference: addition of the numerals A, B C, D, E and. It is possible to convert the numbers into decimal systems when the numbers are higher than the number 9. Here is an example of Hexaddition.
In the above example, E + 7 in decimal is 14 + 7 = 21. 21 in decimal is 15 in hex. Similar to in decimal, 1 is carried into subsequent columns. The following column is calculated as 1+B (11) + 5, which is 17 decimal and 11 in Hex. Transfer the 1 column to the final column, resulting in 1 + 6 + E (14) = 21 decimal numbers and 14.14 in the hex. This gives 1515 as the result in the hex.
HEX Subtraction
Subtraction in Hex can be calculated the same manner as decimal subtraction. The major difference is that when borrowing in Hex, it is the "1" in the column being being borrowed is actually the 16decimal number instead of 10decimal. This is due to the fact that the column being borrowed from is 16 times bigger in hex than 10 decimal. Here is an example of subtraction using hex.
For the column that is first, the number 7 is less than E which is 15 in decimal. Therefore, we must take a loan from the next column. It reduces 5 by 4, then then lends 1 decimal, to the column before it. i.e. 16decimal + 7decimal = E or 14 decimal, which is 9. In the second column, 4 is less than the B (11). Therefore, we must borrow from the next column. This lowers the E to D and loans 1 decimal to the next column i.e. 16decimal + 4 - B or 11 decimal is 9. The last column does not require borrowing, which makes the calculation simple. 13 decimal or D 6 = 7, resulting in 799 as the result.
Hex Multiplication
Hex multiplication is a complicated procedure because the conversions between decimal and hex tend to be more extensive. Here is an illustration of the hex multiplication.
Steps to multiply each number are listed below.
2 2. (11 in decimal) = 22 which is 16 in the hex
2 2 x C (12 in decimal) = 24, which is 18 in Hex
10 in decimal (10 in decimal) * B (11 in decimal) = 110 which is 6E in Hex
10. Decimal (10 in decimal) + C (12 in decimal) = 120 which is 7E in Hex
Hex Division
Hex division is similar to decimal division, however, we must convert hex into decimal, and do long division in decimaland after which we convert back. A Hex Division example is below.